Stormy Days

Stormy Days

For the first 16 years of marriage, Wayne and I knew nothing but this: my epilepsy was part of our norm.  We had a jump start learning the “worse” side of “for better or worse”. I felt like I was walking on a minefield- how many seizures might blow up on my face...
On Losing Control

On Losing Control

We all like to be in control…And most of us function better with some regularity and predictability in life; you don’t have to be a “control freak” to recognize this. I’ve seen this truth solidified since becoming a parent; kids thrive with routine. And you’ve...
Scary seizure episodes

Scary seizure episodes

   Battling long-term physical conditions takes its toll on you. Day by day, you trudge along, hoping for a brighter future or some kind of relief. If I went a few days without a seizure I would think, wow, if only this could last. But it didn’t, and my...
Epilepsy 101

Epilepsy 101

                                                      One in 26. That’s the statistic for the number of us who will develop...
Help is on the way

Help is on the way

Remember that excitement and counting the days till your 16th birthday, that oh-so-magical new freedom of driving? I enjoyed that privilege for seven years, then epilepsy stole that freedom. Thus began my daily lesson in asking for help.In Colorado, the rule is “3...